Sunday, October 20, 2013

seriously, try this: cinnamon roll cake

Happy Sunday! Our house has been surrounded by fog for the last few days and it's felt very cozy hanging out at home. It's brought out the domestic in me a bit. Not domestic enough to finally finish putting away all of our wedding presents (I need more storage space!), but enough to do fun domestic things. Such as baking this incredible recipe that I found on Pinterest a couple of weeks ago.

Sometimes on Saturday nights when our cupboards are horrifically free of junk food I just get the urge to bake something sweet to satisfy my craving. So far, the husband doesn't seem to mind. Scrolling through my nom nom Pinterest board last night, it seemed impossible to find something that I had all of the ingredients for. But then I came across this beautiful gem of a recipe (pinned with the caption "perfect for Christmas morning!") and I knew I had found a winner.

It's a fairly easy cake to make and it has basic ingredients that are easily found in your pantry...buuut it's also probably one of the most unhealthy things I've ever made. Lots of sugar and butter. Which is what makes it so damn good. This truly is a great dish for special occasion breakfasts/brunches orrrrr for if you just want to eat something really effing delicious. 

While making the cake, things went pretty smoothly but I did have a little "oh, shit!" moment when I ran out of milk like half a cup away from what I needed. But husband and I had a fun little late night adventure to the gas station to get more (and also mini oreos...) so all in all it was a pretty stress-free baking experience. However upon reflection, I wish I had left it in the oven for just a couple of minutes longer. I only kept it in for the minimum cook time of 28 minutes due to the fact that I hate overcooking things. So it's a little doughy in some places, but that's not a terrible thing. I also didn't wait to glaze it after taking it out of the oven, which in retrospect I should have. It's supposed to be poured on when the cake is warm, not hot. So the glaze kind of absorbed into the cake, which is why it's so thin in comparison with the original poster's. But honestly, I think it just made it more awesome. :D

It is literally one of the best things I have ever put in my mouth. Seriously. I can't believe we have a whole 9"x13" pan full of this stuff. There's no way we're going to be able to eat it all ourselves - I may have to bring some to work with me tomorrow. So bear that in mind if you don't have a household or a party of people to help you eat this. With 1 1/2 cups of butter and 4 total cups of sugar (1 c white, 1 c brown, 2 c powdered), this shit is decadent. This cake is better than actual cinnamon rolls, in my own unprofessional opinion. So bake and eat with caution.

I think it's time to go use my sugar rush to do something productive...such as working on other projects I've found on Pinterest! (Which as we all know, means "trying to find that one project on that one board that I pinned months ago but then getting distracted by all the new pins on my home page so then staying glued to my couch for a couple of hours, aimlessly scrolling through page after page of pins before forgetting why I started looking in the first place.")

Why fight the inevitable...

1 comment:

  1. The next time I make anything for my friends I am definitely going to make this! It's like a stoners dream come true :)
