Sunday, January 4, 2015

resolutions? resolutions.

I had a baby! Holy shit. I have a rare free moment because husband agreed to watch her for the night and I want to write because whiskey.
Not that it counts because it was Fireball. And only two shots. It's not like I have self-control or anything, it's more like that's all that was left in the bottle. Alas.

I've really only been writing in here if I happened to have to have a recipe/theme of some kind, but unfortunately my once semi-creativity has been replaced by sheer unadulterated laziness. I tried working on my novel yesterday. God, was it cringey. I only got through re-reading/editing a few pages before I had to stop. I really want to finish it and everything, but it's looking pretty bleak.

Maybe I could type up some New Years resolutions for this year? Usually I don't bother because I know I won't follow through, but I'm a mother now so that must mean I'm responsible, right? Right??

1. Don't get pregnant again.
This is a big one. Seriously, Natalie...don't do it. You can't handle it. Maybe in two, three or ten years, but NOT this year. Just no.

2. Lose some weight.
I don't care how much, really. Just some. Preferably enough to fit into my pre-maternity clothes. That's my main motivation. As comfortable as yoga pants are, there are certain social functions where they are frowned upon. Weddings, funerals, theatre shows, etc.

3. Write 4,000 more words in aforementioned novel.
Currently at 23,667. So basically I only have 1/3 written. So this word count isn't even enough to bring me up to halfway done, but I like to keep resolutions realistic and therefore actually attainable.

4. Finally get the hang of winged eyeliner.
For someone pretty obsessed with makeup, this has always eluded me. Not sure why when there are n00bs out there who do better than I. This year I will conquer it. My Everest.

5. Take the Christmas tree down before February.
This is asking a lot, I know. I don't know why I think I can accomplish it with a baby when I never was even able to without one. But perhaps this is the year.

6. Eat more *real* meals as opposed to the pre-packaged crap I gravitate towards.
Because....mother, responsibility, setting a good example, healthy lifestyle, blah blah blah.

7. Stop eating so much Caesar Salad/Crazy Bread from Little Caesar's.
Actually, no. I take it back. That stuff is the highlight of my effing week.

and finally....

8. Keep the house mostly clean consistently.
Because with a baby, I have learned that people are about 90% more likely to stop by unexpectedly.
There are other reasons why this will improve my general quality of life, but this is the primary motivation. Gotta keep up the illusion that we're not slovenly.

Welp, that's all I suppose. Back to watching the Woody Harrelson episode of SNL. It's probably my favorite of the season...and I'm saying that almost sober! (the two shots didn't take long to wear off, unfortunately.)


<3 natalie

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